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Neodymium doped Yttrium Orthovanadate (Nd:YVO4)

Crystal properties
Atomic Density 1.26 x 1020 atoms/cm³
(Nd 1.0%)
Crystal Structure Zircon Tetragonal,
space group D4h-I4/amd a = b = 7.1193Å
c = 6.2892Å
Density 4.22 g/cm³
Mohs Hardnes: 4-5 (Glass-Like)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (300 K). aa = 4.43 x 10-6/K
aa = 11.37 x 10-6/K
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient (300 K) //C: 0.0523 W/cn/K
^C: 0.0510 W/cm/K
Optical Properties
Lasing wavelength 1064 nm
1342 nm
Thermal optical coefficient (300K). dn0/dT = 8.5 x 10-6 /K
dne/dT = 2.9 x 10-6 /K
Stimulated emmission cross-section. 25 x 10-19 cm² @ 1064 nm
Fluorescent lifetime 90 ms
Absorption coefficient. 31.4 cm-1 @ 810 nm
Intrinsic loss. 0.02 cm-1 @ 1064 nm
Gain bandwidth 0.96 nm @ 1064 nm
Polarized laser emission p polarization; parallel to optic axis (c-axis)
Diode pumped optical to optical efficiency > 60 %
Sellmeier equations for pure YVO4 crystal as follows
no2 = 3.77834 + 0.069736 / (l2- 0 04724) - 0.010813l2
ne2 = 4.59905 + 0.110534 / (l2- 0.04813) - 0.012676l2

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